Available Services
Business Reviews
This high-level review of your operations will assess current performance issues and risks, providing clear options and recommendations to management and senior decision makers.
Using best-practice methodologies and access to benchmarked data, your organisation will receive a tailored report that highlights key issues and set out the recommended steps to cost-effectively address these over the short, medium and longer term.
This process is ideal for larger organisations working with issues in specific areas or teams, as well as smaller organisations looking for an organisational overview.
Information Technology and Software Support
Limited funding over a number of decades has left many smaller organisations with a mixture of manual and computerised processes. Those who have invested in technology often find their data is trapped in silos, messy and incomplete, hard to use as a management tool, or not very useful to staff.
Our team understand this complex and messy world and can work with you to cost effectively:
Review and update legacy systems
Put in place data sharing tools to defer or avoid installation of expensive new systems
Implement management dashboards and risk assessment tools for old and legacy systems
Benchmark and compare data with other providers
Assist with staff uptake and training options
Risk & Operational Governance
Our comprehensive ‘risk universe’ process will fast track and simplify your risk assessment process and allow for more effective governance and control of these issues for every level of the organisation.
Our two-tier process includes methodologies for larger organisations to induct their management team into the risk management process for increased buy-in, as well as an out-of-the-box solution for standalone and smaller operators.
Business Strategy and Planning
Our team will work with your management, business owners and boards to simplify complex strategic planning issues and make recommendations regarding key decisions to ensure long term outcomes for your organisation. Our assessment process has two stages:
A ‘current state’ assessment will compare the financial and operational outcomes of the organisation with industry best practice to identify key strengths and weaknesses.
A ‘future state’ assessment will identify and make recommendations on the organisation’s long-term viability and how it may address any organisational capability gaps in meeting its strategic objectives.
Where required, our team can design and deliver workshops, benchmark and reporting tools to support this process; or we can assess and improve your existing plans.
Change Management & Transformation
The pace of change in the Australian Health Service sector has been relentless for more than a decade. Each new policy or practice change that management are required to implement in response to regulatory change increases the chance that staff, consumers and community stakeholders will be left behind.
In addition to this, businesses are revisiting their strategies and areas of focus as a result of significant business disruption due to the pandemic and changing customer expectations. The need to transform and bring your people and customers on the journey with you has never been more pressing.
Our comprehensive change management methodologies improve the uptake and retention of changes in practice and care models by all levels of staff. Our team can assist you at each stage of the implementation, including:
Project planning and management
Customer research
Service design;
Stakeholder management
Internal marketing
External marketing
Employee engagement and training
Community and stakeholder engagement
Benefits realisation reporting
Special Purpose Projects
Do you already know what you need and are looking for specific assistance? Contact our team for help with the following:
Strategic Planning
Systems and Reporting
Change and Transformation
Service Design
Process review and simplification
Corporate Policies and Frameworks
Human Resource Reviews
IT Hardware Asset Management and planning
End-of-life management
Internal Audit and Risk
Retirement Village Asset Management Plans
Building Design Advice
If we can’t help, we will do our best to put you in touch with someone who can.
Network Hardware and Data Security
Our experts can assist you to plan and deliver a wide range of upgrades and improvements to your network, including:
Infrastructure reviews and planning,
‘End of life’ and ‘extension of life’ options for legacy products and hardware
Building design advice, for new and refurbished buildings
Vendor management and tender processes
Nurse Call, Clinical Management Systems, Network configuration and improvement, location tracking, camera and surveillance systems
Database design, management and integrations
Privacy and data security obligations
Financial & Operational Performance Reviews
Do you have your financial assessment or benchmark report and need help to close the gaps? Our team have years of experience addressing these issues and can provide tailored plans for you and your team to address a wide variety of issues.
Common topics include:
ACFI Shortfalls
Rostering and labour costs
Labour Agency and Overtime use
Complaints Management
Workers’ Compensation Cost Management
Reporting and governance shortfalls
Customer service and Complaints
Stakeholder Communication and Marketing
Performance monitoring
Additional Services Fees and Charges
Cost reduction and Tender processes
Cleaning and Contractor Services
If the issue you are looking for is not on this list, contact us for a confidential discussion about our wide range of service solutions and experience.
Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.